Remote Services
- The main remote e-services are available at
Here you can read more than 2000 full-text books in Lithuanian. The ordering procedure is very simple. Those who have the LIBIS card do not need registration and signing in is sufficient. These services are provided on mobile devices as well. For e-books, internet connection is necessary. The books are borrowed for a 14 day period and this period can be prolonged twice. You can borrow not more than 2 e-books at one time.
- Portal dedicated to digital cultural heritage of libraries, archives and museums:
It is one of the most valuable digitization projects implemented in Lithuania providing access to Lithuania‘s cultural heritage. This enormous digital treasury provides easy and prompt access to thousands of artworks, books, newspapers, manuscripts, maps and sound recordings: more than 1750 works by Lithuanian authors provided in five formats (EPUB, MobiPocket, PDF, HTML and TXT), documentary heritage, museum objects and sound recordings.
- Licensed databases for online users
The National Library subscribes foreign databases containing several thousand e-journals. This service is available for the National Library‘s users remotely by registering with a single password (the number of reader‘s card). See the information about the databases here ›. The databases which can be accessed outside the Library are marked with